LETTER: Vote for Jacobs, Mareski in Bedminster

EDITOR: As a citizen of Bedminster, I am so proud to see two intelligent, experienced candidates – Committeeman Larry Jacobs, and Renee Mareski – running for Township Committee.

For at least the last 10 years, Bedminster has had a dignified, civil, responsible governing body. They have successfully maintained our quality of life while keeping taxes low.

Recently, Bedminster was ranked one of the top towns in the state of New Jersey for doing an outstanding job of holding down property taxes.

As a sitting member of the Township Committee, Jacobs has been an integral part of making that happen. As a citizen who has been deeply involved as a volunteer in Bedminster for years, Mareski has proven her commitment to our township. If they are elected, our taxes will remain low, Bedminster will remain civil, and our quality of life will remain exceptional.

Vote Jacobs and Mareski for Bedminster Township Committee on Nov. 6 to keep this momentum going.

Old Stonehouse Road
Bedminster Township

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