LETTER: Jacobs, Mareski have ‘proven track record’ in Bedminster

TO THE EDITOR: Having served for many years on both my neighborhood Homeowner Association’s Board as well as on the Hills Village Master Association Board, of which I am currently a Trustee at Large, I have found that it is far easier to say what should be done than actually rolling up your sleeves and doing the work.

Mayor Larry Jacobs and Township Committeewoman Renee Mareski have a proven track record of doing the work, and that is why they are getting my vote for Bedminster Township Committee on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Mayor Jacobs’ leadership consistently keeps Bedminster a step ahead of the issues facing the township.  With car thefts, break-ins and other crime rising in the surrounding suburbs, Mayor Jacobs is leading a coalition of local mayors to promote community policing, increase resident awareness and introduce local ordinances to crack down on gang infiltration in the region.

Committeewoman Mareski’s commitment to prioritize preservation of open space and protection of the environment through programs and awareness allows Bedminster to remain true to its heritage of green spaces and judicious land management. Having lived in The Hills for many years, she maintains her connections to the residents and HOA boards that comprise The Hills.

The Bedminster Township Committee has kept property taxes the lowest in Somerset County through a painstaking review of the municipal budget.  They also have and continue to address issues such as internet and electric service in The Hills, maintaining our recreational facilities and parks and advocating with county and state government when needed regarding traffic challenges that arise.

While some look to bring partisan politics to Bedminster, Mayor Jacobs’ and Committeewoman Mareski’s focus has been and will continue to be what is best for the residents of Bedminster. This was best demonstrated by the adoption of the recent parking ordinance on Clucas Brook Road.

Bedminster is such a special place because of the people who look to serve the needs of their neighbors, both now and in the future, which is why Mayor Jacobs and Committeewoman Mareski will be getting my vote. Please consider doing the same on Tuesday, Nov. 5.


Wendover Court
Bedminster Township

Editor’s Note: This Letter to the Editor originally appeared in The Bernardsville News.

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